Friday, January 26, 2007


Go Home!” “Oh right, you don’t have homes!”
“Go back to your trailers!”
“F*&$ the Saints!”
“It was just a hurricane. Big deal!”
“God tried to wipe you off the map, but you didn’t listen!”

These are a sampling of the insults hurled at myself and other Saints fans this past weekend in Chicago, by ardent Bears fans. It started in the parking lot, but continued throughout the game. These insults were coming from men and women alike, and most of the men were over the age of 40. As a former resident of Chicago , I was shocked and appalled. As a Saints season-ticket holder who has enjoyed every game this season (W or L), I thought it was all about football going into Soldier field on Sunday. I expected a few drunk jerks making rude comments, but in my wildest dreams I never expected this behavior.

As a fan of the NFL, I’m familiar with the taunting and trash talking that goes on between fans, but I’ve never seen anything like this taken to such a personal level. And I’ve been to Raiders games. Make it about the game, and leave out the "jokes" about natural disasters that devastated lives and homes.

A true football fan would probably enjoy the success that the Saints have seen this season, all the while still rooting for their own team.

I realize this behavior wasn’t exhibited by all Chicago Bears fans, but there were numerous Saints fans who were treated to Katrina related insults. Chicagoans should be ashamed.