Thursday, July 27, 2006


As much as I love living in L.A, I hate the kind of L.A. asshole who hit my parked car yesterday. They drove off without leaving a note, BUT he/she did manage to leave $2,000 in damage. And I don't know if it was a he or she or him or her, so going forward I will refer to the jackass as SHIM. I was at the quaint little John C. Fremont Public Library on Melrose and June. I parked on the street (June) right outside of the library parking lot. I originally pulled into the lot, but the only spot available was too tight because someone had parked on the line and I didn't want my 2003 Saturn Vue to get banged up. So I pulled out and parked on the street. I did my library business in less than 5 minutes. Even Dee the librarian commented on how quick I am. I walk out to my car and see it has been sideswiped-from the mirror to the back tire. No note, nothing. Unbelievable to me! THEN I ask a few people who are nearby if they saw anything and of course they don't want anyone even speaking to them let alone asking them for any type of assistance. I was just asking if you SAW anything. Ugh. Two nice fellow library patrons stopped and suggested I "canvass the neighborhood for information". Thanks Law & Order superfans, but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get a license plate number out of that. So I filed my claim with GEICO today, and I'm out my $500 deductible. And as much as I believe in Karma, odds are I won't be there to see SHIM get his/hers. But I am going back to June/Melrose tonight for a stakeout in my F150.

1. My Saturn is newer than HJO's.
2. It would have been cheaper to go to Barnes and Noble and buy a book.
3. Shim is a fun word. Thanks Lisa.
4. All libraries smell the same.
5. My rental car/truck is a Ford F150 quad cab. It's totally badass and makes me look like a possible white trash/country music loving ass kicker. I am not.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got banged. (and not in the FUN way). If you werent training, Id buy you a DRANK. xo

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got banged. (and not in the FUN way). If you werent training, Id buy you a DRANK. xo